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What is Binance Dex?

Binance designed the blockchain for best performance when it comes to trading on-chain when building the BNB chain, and Binance DEX, Binance's decentralized exchange (DEX), is based on this newly developed chain.

How does Binance work?

Binance.US makes it easy to buy crypto, bitcoin, ethereum, altcoins, and more. You can choose from a wide selection of the most popular cryptocurrencies and buy, trade, convert, and stake crypto with low fees. Once you’ve created and funded a Binance.US account, you’re just seconds away from making your first crypto purchase. 1.

Does Binance have a license to trade cryptocurrencies?

Operating with the license is a requirement under the country’s Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act. It was still possible to trade on the platform until July 17, but now users can only withdraw their cryptocurrencies. To make things easier for customers, Binance has signed an agreement with the Dutch crypto platform Coinmerce.

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